'Umbel! Umbel! ! Macaw's Apparel
Advent Alms
Rarely Charms
Alpine Idyll
Novel Kill
Imbue Innate Muse'
Sixty Years
Sacrament of togetherness and
Incipiency of liveliness made
Xiphoid life of yours an exemplary;
Temperate speaking qualities and an
Yearn to achieve goals smoothly
Yield thy life wonderful and gives you an
Ecsatcy of joy to feel happiness,
Adinfinitum and thus make you feel to say:
"Radiant is my life given by Thee (God)
Scripture is my life made by She (wife)"
By: Dr. Suman Kumar Kasturi
Dedicated to: My dear Bapuji (Father) Shri Kasturi Sree Ramaiah on the occassion of his 60th B'day on 20th May 2005
The Night
"Racme worn
Angel appeared with a
Jade having known to be an
Adroit, shined like a
Nacre and greatly twinkled with
Inexorable flash to bless you on your day"
Note: This poem won the prize of
'Magnanimity is her nature On this earth for every creature'
'Talismanic is her power Hedonism is her shower'
'Empyreal is her face Rapport is her race'
Inspired by & Dedicated to: My mother Smt Kasturi Savitha
Beautiful Ship
Friendship is the 'ship' which has good out look
With all structure and colours, which fill the heart with beauty
But it has given place only in the water not on the land
It bears many troubles till it becomes end
It overcomes wind, storm and all; but it never feel pain nor gain
Still it wants to help
It brings joys to the people as long as they use it well
But I question 'how long it runs? '
Thus 'as long as' you answer
A Sudden Thought
'Life', the boat I wanted to sail
where the journey was futile
'Success', the mountain I wanted to reach
the journey that gave me only breech
'Talent', the quality of a great in me, daunted by fate